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- M. D. Grimm
Agate- Then and Now Page 2
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Page 2
We flew through the night to arrive at the ludkis’ territory in the early morning. En landed on a cliff, right above the main camp. As Aishe and I slid off him, I could see the ludkis looking up and shading their eyes with their hands against the morning sun. The ludkis weren’t friends with payshthas, but there was a mutual respect between them. En showed that respect by keeping his distance from another species’ sovereign land.
I turned to En. “If you’re staying in the north, would you mind checking in at my home now and then? I know Grekel and Grendela can handle anything the kingdoms might throw my way, but I don’t trust the council to be done with their tricks.”
“I will.” He nuzzled my cheek for a moment. I patted his snout. En could be oddly affectionate at times. Since he was the only payshtha I knew, I wasn’t sure if that was natural to his species or if he was just odd. Aishe and I stepped back as Enfernlo unfolded his massive wings and dove off the cliff, catching the thermals with ease, and using them to rise high into the air. I watched him go, wondering when I would see him next.
Gripping Aishe’s hand, I used my magickal speed to reach the ground. Aishe was used to my speed, easily keeping his balance, no longer staggering when we landed. I kept a firm hold on him as we approached the ludkis, and five shuffled toward us, their squat bodies clothed in sturdy fabric, their skins tanned and wrinkled by the sun. Despite spending so much time underground, most ludkis lived in desert areas, giving them a very distinctive look. Three of the ludkis were males, as evidenced by their short, full beards. The two females were beautiful, similar to the gems they coveted. All ludkis had brown hair and piercing blue eyes.
The sun beat down on us as I introduced Aishe. The ludkis greeted him with polite, courteous words. My mate returned the courtesy, and I could tell they would warm up to him quickly. Most of the day passed with introductions and mingling, and I could tell that Aishe was enjoying himself. That was a relief since I wanted to continue to bring him along with me when other clans found stones of power, not just to make sure he stayed safe, but because I hated leaving him.
Perhaps I was weak. I didn’t care. I needed him with me.
Evening fell and I sat on the ground, surrounded by ludkis, enjoying the large bonfire. The coolness of the night was a sweet relief from the harsh sun of the day. Sure, the heat was a welcome respite from the frozen cold of the northern winter, but since I wore all black, the sun could become obnoxious quickly.
This clan of ludkis lived in little cottage-like homes carved from the orangey-yellow mountains and cliffs they mined. The homes were built on top of each other, with stairs carved into the cliff faces. The ludkis knew how to work and mold rock like I knew how to work magick; they were experts at pounding and shaping most natural substances. While I had my own boygle metalsmiths and blacksmiths to forge weapons, I sometimes requested special items from the ludkis, and I’ve never been disappointed.
The official ceremony would begin in the morning. The ludkis weren’t exactly speedy about such things. It would probably be around five days before I could ask for the stone without sounding rude and offending them. I wasn’t in a rush this time, though. Aishe was by my side and the council had been quiet since our last confrontation. I knew my home was sufficiently protected: Grekel, the fierce wichtln alpha, and Grendela, the matriarch of the boygle clan, weren’t beasts anyone would want to mess with carelessly. They were my lieutenants, and they knew what to do if invaders came.
“I’ve never met a ludki,” Aishe said, breaking through my thoughts. He sat beside me, his head resting on my shoulder. I kissed the top of his head.
“They keep to themselves, mostly. I’ve always liked them. They’re discreet.” I paused, musing. “My name comes from a word in their language.”
“Really? What does ‘morgorth’ mean?”
“It means ‘violent defender’.”
Thoughtful silence followed. Then, “It suits you.”
I smiled. “I thought so. At the time I meant it as in violently defending myself. But I’m glad that meaning has evolved recently.” I kissed the top of his head again.
Aishe chuckled. “Did you meet them while at Muelsel with Master Ulezander?”
“Yeah, actually. I liked the clan in those mountains immediately, and I didn’t like really anything at that age. Despite keeping to themselves, they’re also wonderful merchants. They are quite good at selling their wares.”
“I’ve noticed.” Aishe sat up, grabbed his bag, and started rifling through it. I frowned in curiosity. It pleased me that he’d brought the bag I’d made especially for him: it was a modest size but enchanted to hold as much as the user needed, and always stayed lightweight. I had to “recharge” the crystals woven inside it to keep that ability fresh but that wasn’t anything new for me. The enchantments in Geheimnis worked the same way. Aishe pulled out a small, wooden toy shaped like a payshtha, expertly crafted, and when he rotated the tail, it let out a fierce bellow.
I laughed.
“I couldn’t resist.” Aishe chuckled. “It reminded me of En. I agree that the ludkis are convincing. It cost me too much, but just look at it.”
I took it from him, turning it over in my hands. He was right: it did look like En.
“Unfortunately, it was my last coin,” he said. I handed it back to Aishe, knowing he didn’t regret his decision.
“Aishe, I have vaults full of coin,” I reminded him, “you’re free to use as much as you wish.”
With the light the bonfire offered, I saw his blush. I didn’t want to harm his pride by offering him money, but the fact was I wasn’t very attached to my wealth. He was my life, so, by definition, everything I owned, was his.
“I know,” he said softly.
I leaned forward and kissed him gently. He met my eyes when I pulled back, his own bright. “It’s your decision, Aishe. I want you to have everything your heart desires.”
His smile was warm and suggestive. I looked around us, realizing we were being obviously ignored. I took his hand and we stood. He put the toy back in his bag before I led him over to the cliff cottage on ground level that had been made ready for us. It was away from the crowds, nestled in a nook of the cliff, offering a surprising amount of privacy. The moment we were inside, he latched his mouth to mine, dropping the bag. Stunned by my own willingness to have sex so close to others, I let Aishe push me toward the bedroom. Maybe it had to do with the fact I couldn’t deny him anything. If he wanted me, he could have me.
Everything in the cottage was carved out of the rock: the bed, table, stools, and the counter to make food. It had a small parlor to the left of the entryway, and the kitchen was to the right. Through a small archway was the bed. They’d made it to fit taller guests, since ludkis were around four to five feet tall. Aishe and I didn’t even have to duck our heads as we walked into the bedroom.
Aishe yanked open my trousers and gripped my shaft with both hands. I gasped, realizing he wanted quick and dirty. I was more than willing to oblige him. Pushing me on the bed, which was covered with thick, comforting blankets, he straddled me. He pumped my erection as I pulled down his own leggings, gripping his shaft in return. I drank in the sound of his moan, relished the sight of him above me. We jerked each other off, gazing into each other’s eyes. I managed to swallow most of my sounds, and I knew Aishe struggled to do the same. One of my hands pumped him while the other fondled his balls, and he arched his back, his grip on my erection growing tighter, almost painful.
Needing more contact, I sat up, one arm sliding around his waist, and latched my mouth to his. He gripped my hair with one hand, feeding from my mouth just as I fed from his. In a small portion of my brain not consumed with desire and need, I found it amazing I could still be helpless against my raging desire for Aishe. We’d had each other countless times, in different ways and places, but the need never lessened, the desire for pleasure never ceased. I knew him, had him, but never, ever got bored with him. Nor he with me.
Nearly five months
had passed since I’d met Aishe and still, he could make me blush, laugh, and feel vulnerable and strong at the same time. He was my world.
He came first, murmuring my name, my hand becoming sticky. But his hand never ceased, and I soon followed him, stars exploding behind my eyes. I fell backward and he came with me, his body lying on top of mine. I could breathe, he wasn’t that heavy, which meant I didn’t see a need to move him. Soon, he began kissing me all over my face and I laughed, gripping his back, trying to find the energy to kiss him back. But then he lifted his head, stared into my eyes.
“I love you, Morgorth.”
My throat threatened to close. That was something else I’d heard him say countless times, but I never tired of hearing it. He was the first, and most likely the last, to ever say it to me.
“I know.”
He grinned. Then his hand started to dance up my bare sides—when had he unbuttoned my jacket?—and I jerked. I was really ticklish. I gripped his wrist but his other hand began to do the same, becoming more intense. I squirmed.
“Stop it!” I demanded.
“Say it.”
Somehow he broke the hold I had on him and both hands began to tickle up my sides. I gasped and tried to wriggle away but his powerful thighs held me prisoner.
“Dammit, Aishe!” I struggled not to laugh.
“Say it!” He laughed.
With a burst of power I shoved him on his back, stopping the tickle fight. My skin tingled with sensation as I gripped his wrists and pulled his arms over his head. Grinning at me with a flushed face and legs wrapped around my waist, Aishe pushed our heated flesh together. I shuddered. His playfulness aroused me, making me hard again. Aishe felt it, and I felt his own shaft stiffen in anticipation. I eased my grip on his wrists but didn’t let go. I liked dominating him, using my power on him, but only in a playful manner. I never wanted to hurt him.
He watched me, his eyes bright, his mouth pulled into a smirk. The amethyst pendant I’d given him months ago, when I’d first invited him into my home, lay on his chest, glittering in the dark. I lowered my head, but instead of kissing him, I ran my lips lightly over his cheek. I felt a tremor run through him when I exhaled near his ear.
“I love you,” I whispered. A small moan escaped him. I moved my lips back up his face, passed over his lips, not touching, before sliding my lips over his other cheek.
“I love you,” I whispered again in his other ear. He trembled, his legs tightening around my waist.
“Morgorth.” His tone was a plea.
I closed my eyes a moment. I loved it when he said my name. It didn’t matter how he said it, when he said it, I just wanted to hear it on his lips. It was a name I’d chosen for myself, a way to redefine who I was, and who I’d never be again. I finally kissed him, slowly, tasting him, pleasuring him. I moved my hands from his wrists to link our fingers. His grip was strong, sure. I finally allowed my tongue to enter his mouth, allowed myself to taste him fully. He gave me everything, holding nothing back. He surrendered wholeheartedly, no reservations, no fear of the risk.
I couldn’t do any less.
I had him that night. His warm body wrapped around mine, his desire matched my own. We moved in unison in the dark, knowing the other’s needs, knowing the pleasure points, the way to keep the fire burning. Some might find it more arousing to be with strangers, to keep everything knew and fresh. I thought it was more of a challenge to keep it fresh with someone I knew so intimately, and that challenge made it arousing. The familiarity was arousing.
Aishe and I slept late the next morning, and only awoke when we heard the call. The stone had been stolen.
Chapter Two
The sun glared down on me with its harsh rays, and I coughed against the dust I kicked up as I ran. It seemed to play hide-and-seek with the dark cliffs rising up around me as I sped through the canyon. There was no wind in this damn place, so I was soaked with sweat, my black clothing allowing no respite.
For about a month things had been going well for Aishe and me. No invasions, no battles, just days spent by the fire, reading or talking, or sitting in companionable silence, or visiting Happy Valley or Vorgoroth, and nights spent making love. I really liked that part. I’d never been so happy in my life. Never. To think I could be capable of such happiness never crossed my mind until him. But there’d always been a small part of me that wondered when all that easy life would be ripped out from under me. Well, here was my answer.
Panting, I raced across the rocky and pocked-marked land, trying not to sprain an ankle. My heavy steps echoed off the orangey-yellow, sheer, rocky cliffs surrounding me. I followed the trails as best I could, trying to slow my speed around blind corners. I didn’t dare use my magick speed, considering I would most likely bash my brains out on a turn. I couldn’t teleport either, since I wasn’t familiar with this land, and that meant I couldn’t visualize where I wanted to go.
Another dead end. I skidded to a stop, dirt rising in a cloud with my abrupt halt. I bent over and gripped my knees, trying to slow my heart. My legs burned and my calves wept. I would have been in a far worse state if I hadn’t been training with Aishe. I wouldn’t have been able to keep up the chase if not for his insistence on my physical training. Breathe in through the nose, out through the mouth. His words came back to me and as I did as instructed, my panting easing, and my heart stopped trying to leap out of my chest.
Standing straighter, I put my hands on my hips and scowled. In retrospect, I should have brought a ludki with me since this portion of land was their territory. But I didn’t want any of them to be harmed by the hands of the mage thief. I knew it was a mage since I’d felt his—or her—magickal essence right after the stone was stolen from where the ludkis kept in a small cave, waiting for me to claim it, and take it home. The ludkis were nothing if not ceremonial; I couldn’t just make the trade and leave, they had to make a show out of it. That gave the thief just enough time to take what should have been mine.
I looked around, judging the best course of action. Aishe was also searching and my eyes constantly scanned the sky, wondering if I’d see an arrow shooting high, his signal that he spotted the thief. I was anxious about us splitting up but I managed to shove it aside and trust my mate. I’d trained him myself in knowing how to survive a mage attack, and he was enviously resourceful. He was a warrior, plain and simple, and I could trust him to handle himself. Had to. I nearly lost him not long ago when he’d felt the need to prove to himself, and to me, just how capable he was.
Even now I shuddered with fear. It gripped my heart and refused to let go. Shaking myself, I knew I didn’t have much time before the mage disappeared with the stone. My gut tightened as I looked up. To hell with these blind trails. My magick rose to the surface, my skin tingled with its power, my blood burned with its might. My hands used to burn when my magick rose up, but no longer. After completing my second phase of training, that sensation had left. I didn’t miss it. I had more control now, more focus, and my anger no longer triggered my magick. I said the word of magick in my head, activating the spell.
The spell was for speed, and I used it to climb up a rocky cliff. Well, “climb” was a generous word for it. I basically flew up the steep side, a small bubble of force around me provided protection from the consequences of moving at breakneck speed. I reached the top in seconds and shut off the speed, dropping down to the top of the cliff in a crouch. It took me a moment to find my bearings, but when I did, I realized the thief had made the same decision I’d made. He wasn’t far ahead of me, leaping over chasms with his own brand of magick. I must have made some noise when I landed because he suddenly turned around and spotted me. I didn’t recognize him but that hardly mattered. I didn’t hesitate. If he teleported I would lose.
Snarling out curses, I activated my speed once more and shot toward the thief like a meteorite falling toward the surface of a planet. I planned on tackling the mage as painfully as possible, grabbing the stone, and wringing the thief’s neck. But e
ven as I reached out my arms, a breath away from grabbing the mage, he ducked. That surprised me. I should have been far too fast for him to dodge, and yet he did. I flew over him, flipped easily, and landed sturdily on my feet in front of him. I slowly straightened from my crouch and he did the same. We stared at each other, the thief’s dark cloak covering most of his face and body, but I was suddenly able to tell the mage was a female. The dress and generous cleavage gave that one away. She had rather plain features; someone easily looked over, forgotten.
I held out my hand. “Give me the stone, thief.”
“Really, Morgorth,” she purred in a husky voice that shot a chill of knowledge down my spine. “Did you really think it would be that easy?”
I froze, the warmth leaving my skin even as my blood heated. My face stayed immobile, my emotions hidden, but inside I trembled. How could she be here? How could she know about the stone and that I would be here? How was that even possible? I hadn’t seen her in years. Many years. The thief raised a slender hand and lowered her hood, the magickal disguise melting, revealing a face that would be considered beautiful for any species. Her blue-black hair fluttered in the warm wind, the dark color complemented her copper skin. She was a true beauty—on the outside, at least—with sparkling, hazel eyes that tilted up at the corners, heavily lined with black dye, and a nose that was small but with full lips painted a violent red. The cloak covered her body but I knew it to be curvy; her waist tiny, her hips round, her bust full. I admired her beauty while hating her guts.
“Drasyln,” I whispered, the violent blast from the past knocking me off my stride. Drasyln was a seductress who manipulated powerful males and bent them to her will. She didn’t steal power, which would make her a sorcerer, but she did beat down the independence and personality of the mage she was with. The council knew about her and she was on their “most wanted” list, but she always managed to stay one step ahead of them.
Her specialty was disguises. She’d always had a knack for those that didn’t require potions. She could hold such a spell in her mind while doing other things. Her will to use others, to trick and deceive, was strong enough to make that come easily to her. She liked games, she’d told me herself. All those years ago, she’d told me. She’d set her sights on me once. Master Ulezander had warned me about her but I was arrogant enough to think I was immune to her charms. I hadn’t been, not completely. When we met, it had been a year since I founded Geheimnis, and I’d been visiting a dialen tribe in the southern continent. I’d only just decided to stop terrorizing the general populace and try to stay off the council’s radar; to try to make a home for myself. I’d been trying to find my place in the world.